Sunday, June 20, 2010

'Don't teach something they don't need to learn...'

I had a great fun lesson with one of Jack's 9 year old class mates this morning.  It was her first time out here, and it was a real eye opener for her.  There are very few opportunities for kids to have 'riding lessons' around our area.  This girl has been going to regular lessons, and her mother asked if I would be interested in teaching her, because she wasn't happy with how she was being taught, but she loves horses, so was resorting to learning in a manner that goes against their principles.

I have heard the same story over and over.  I have also heard plenty of horror stories about what goes on at this other place.  I keep getting asked to teach these kids.  And I keep saying no, I am not qualified.  But I have decided too bad if I'm not qualified.  I am no less 'qualified' than where they end up when I say no.  There are no other options around here.  I don't think I am doing any harm.  I can't stand the thought of them starting out on the wrong foot with these amazing animals, when they could learn Love, Language and Leadership right from the start.

I realise it is discouraged for students to teach students withing the Parelli program.  And I completely understand the reasoning behind this.  But what is there on offer for 9 year old kids who's families are not involved with horses and have no means or finances to get them to the nearest instructor who is a minimum 6 hours away?  And even if they went to one or two clinics in a year, what would they do in between?  I fully encourage people studying with endorsed instructors.  I am not trying to take their business.  I cart teenagers to clinics all over Australia.  I see no greater compliment than seeing these kids 'outgrow' me!  I encourage people to attend clinics wherever they can.  I certainly don't think that by supporting a few locals along their journey I am taking away from Parelli.  If anything I am drumming up more business.  That is my intention anyway.  If I didn't keep guiding the people who come to me along the natural horsemanship path, they would drop off in to the abyss of normalsville, or out of horses altogether.  It is more mentoring than instructing as such.

When I asked S what was different about coming here to what she has been doing, she said 'You are so kind to the horses!!'  For her to reply like that, without any prompting or discussion, she has obviously witnessed 'unkindness'.  I don't want kids to 'learn' unkindness to any animals.


  1. I'm with you, Gen!! There are simply no opportunities around. For the horses sake...
    Angela (don't have any of the 'profiles' required..)

  2. Thanks Ange, Nice seeing you today. The boys had fun playing soccer! They have red card fever at the moment...

    I worked out how to post a comment with your name. Where it asks you to 'comment as' below, select 'Name/URL' and you can then type in your name. Otherwise click follow on the left and then you get an email if I make a new blog post too.

  3. Good on ya Gen, ( the Ark wasnt built by professionals but the Titanic was!!) you will put alot of people on the right path, maybe even enough to have a PNH instructor come to you.
