Thursday, July 8, 2010

Angela and Alfie...

Here is a short clip of Angela and Alfie playing with their freestyle.  What a cute couple!!


  1. That is so natural, you two are a cute couple. Hurry up withthe filming already.

  2. Thanks Julia!
    I did a fun thing after you left Gen...since the two horses had parked themselves in the roundyard, I thought that while the speedibeet was soaking, I could play with both of them, so out I went with my carrotstick. They got a bit unstuck when Possum caught up with Alfie, but we got it right eventually, and did a couple of disengages, the backing up next to each other and send in the other direction! So cool! Bits of carrot made sure they stayed keen (can you use too much carrots?) It wasn't perfect, but so much fun! I think they enjoyed it. Five minutes of bliss...

  3. That is really cool Angela! I'm glad you found a few minutes to play so late in the day. I can just picture those two doing just about anything for a carrot...especially at dinner time.

    I don't know about you, but I think fun is usually much more rewarding in the long run than perfection!!

    And I have a saying that stays floating around in the back of my mind and it is


    I'm sure there was more to it when I first heard it, but that is enough to remind me to re-adjust my expectations every now and then!
