Saturday, October 9, 2010

Big lessons...

Little Fly had a huge day today!!!  Her new owner, Ann, came out for the day and we played with float loading.  Fly, as always, was hilarious!  She had no clostraphobia issues at all, she just couldn't co-ordinate picking up all four feet in the right order to step them up in to the float!!  The front ones weren't a problem, they would walk straight in, then she would pick up the back ones and do a big step, but if she missed, she then couldn't work out what to do!

She was very willing, and tried so hard.  Once she had the right idea I helped her out by picking a back foot up and putting it in, then asking her to put her weight on it.  The other one would then just automatically hop in.

After a long float loading session, ending in Fly being able to stand in on her own, pick at the hay, open and shut the back door, and pick up all four feet while calmly standing in there, she was then brushed, and had her feet trimmed!  So by the end of all that she was exhausted!!!  She thinks that being a big girl is darn hard work!!

Fly's first, rather unco-ordinated, attempt at putting her back feet in!

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