Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Striving for conscious competence...

I have started learning Karate, and I am loving it!

The most interesting thing is that learning Karate is giving me heaps of BFO's about my horsemanship!!!  I thought I was just signing up to get a bit of exercise, and let out some frustrations by kicking the hijibees out of a bag, and since the kids are doing it anyway why not.  But I am getting so much more out of it.

For starters, a whole new awareness about learning a new skill, from a learners perspective, and how to be mindful of that when teaching.  I am going through the process of

Unconscious incompetence
Conscious incompetence
Conscious competence
Unconscious competence

all over again.

I have been back to unconscious incompetence, learning where to put my feet, and forgetting what my hands are doing.  Thinking about where my hands are, and forgetting where my head is, and getting a clip across the ear!  My instructor was amazed on monday night when I exclaimed, 'Wow, I have got to a whole new level of conscious incompetence!'.  For me that was one big step up from not knowing what the hell I was doing!  At least I was starting to get an idea of what I should be doing!

My horsemanship has helped my Kyokushin with focus, and also an awareness of having the left and right sides of my body equal, or at least being aware when they are not equal!

Tonight I was sparring with one of the really experienced students.  She told me to stop crossing my legs over as I was moving around, because it took away my power... Well, where have I heard that, a million times before...  Take away the hindquarters and you have control of the horse...

Hmmm, there is a lot too this Karate...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gen, I glad to come across your blog. I happy to know that horsemanship and martial artsare somehow interconnected. I hope youcan visit Saltriver horsemanship too. Good luck
