Thursday, April 29, 2010

Quiet amongst the chaos...

I had a lovely afternoon! It was a beautiful sunny autumn day, and there was still some warmth in the air so when I put a stop to procrastinating and went outside to see what I could come up with.

I really wanted to ride Ruby, but I haven't practiced what I worked through with Kaye since she left two weeks ago. My thought for the afternoon was not to appear direct line. I didn't want Ruby to think I was going to get her ride her feed her leave her.

So when I went out, I went and mixed the feeds up first, and just observed what the horses were up to. Ruby was not standing in her usual prime position. She usually stands in the door of the feed shed, and all the others fight and bicker behind her, trying to get the next in line to the feed shed position. Today she was standing off on her own near my car watching the left brainers argue over 'her spot'. This was unusual. And another little reminder to make sure I haven't been getting too direct line...

I went and got a carrot, gave her a taste as I walked back past the car, and went back to mixing the feeds. Ruby was straight back over at her spot! I decided I wanted to use my imagination and not be predictable when saddling her. Ruby is very obedient, and will stand and be saddled at liberty, but I wanted to be aware of their being something in it for her. s
So I would go over, give her a bite of carrot, go back to the feeds, another bite, etc etc. Then on one of my visits back to her, I took the saddle and pad, showed her, got a totally positive response, so I put them on, gave her a nibble, and left her there and went back to the feeds. She kept a completely positive expression while I saddled her!

Then instead of riding straight away we took the dogs and bike and went up to the bus stop to get Jack. We got there early so plenty of time to graze. Came home again. And then we bridled and rode. It was a long preparation, and a very short ride. But it was successful. Ruby was happy and co-operative, and I was more aware of her needs.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Tired tonight. But good tired. Tired because I have been stretching my brain...

I find that one of my biggest challenges in life at the moment is direction. I struggle with direction in my life generally, and also my horsemanship.

I find it hard to play with the horses if I haven't got a long term goal. And I struggle with what that long term goal with my horsemanship is. It has to be possible!

I don't mind instructing, but I don't think I am passionate about it. And I just don't see any way I can get overseas to do instructor training any time soon...

Colt starting get's me excited. To take an unmoulded horse and help it develop in to a reliable partner...but the more I learn, the better I want to get for my young horses before I touch them. I am tired of seeing unnecesarily damaged horses. To specialize in colt starting within the parelli system I would have to do the six month intern program...not likely before I'm 50...

I really enjoy helping out horses with a troubled history. This includes physical and psychological challenges too. I love to see a horse with a troubled background gently start to trust and gain confidence. I find that very rewarding. And this may be more do-able for me. I need to learn even more about nutrition and health, but I enjoy that. The problem is, some of these horses are very hard to move on, and I have a paddock full of half broken down horses!!! I really enjoy playing with a lot of different horses too.

Hosting clinics is a posibility... I love to promote natural horsemanship, gently, and I think I would enjoy hosting clinics. But the problem is the venue. I just don't know if I could ever get this place suitable...there is no room for a honeycomb or proper arena. So I just don't think that is practical either!

I guess competition is an option, but I have never competed in anything, and don't even know where to start, or what I would compete in even!

So I go around this never ending circle...I always seem to end up at the same place. I do a clinic, or speak to someone who is really motivated, and get all excited and enthusiastic again...but then my goals seem so far off I start going around that spiral again...

I find it hard to get excited about just developing my own horse for her and my benefit...but I think I need to be content with that for now, be happy with my lot, and stop worrying about the big picture for a while.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lesson with Kaye Thomas.

Well, what a good day!

Kaye Thomas was in the neighbourhood, so we had her over here giving us some lessons!

Justin and Jack went first. They did an hour on line and learnt about rhythm, relaxation and retreat in the friendly game, close range driving game, keeping their feet still, and when to retreat when playing friendly game in the delicate zone.

Then they both rode in their bareback pads. Jack learnt about actually getting Honey to go before he can ask for her to do anything!! Justin followed the rail, learnt different ways to change direction and get back on the rail using a direct rein, transitions, including how to use a suspension rein to come down a gait.

They did so well, really concentrated and listened. And they loved Kaye!

Then it was Ruby and my turn. I was very nervous!! And Ruby had been so patient, saddled and waiting all morning. Kaye asked me to show her how Ruby responds to a freestyle figure eight, with no warmup. It was around two objects in the playground, set a long way apart, and up and down hill. Ruby did her usual freestyle effort, ducked and dived and ran off and pinned her ears. It was a perfect example of Ruby at her absolute worst!

It set us up for a fantastic lesson in how to help Ruby feel confident in freestyle riding. And the answer? Ride her with contact first!!! Ruby gets lost and worried and annoyed when left to her own devices. She is much more comfortable when her hand is held. I have to get her confident by holding her hand first, and then gradually give her more rein, as she gains more confidence, and get our freestyle going from there.

Kaye was fantastic. The first thing I learnt is that my energy is WAY to high for Ruby!! I thought if I was any more introverted I would be dead! But Kaye said no way, there is a lot going on in there...interesting. That blew me away right from the start!

I thought I was going really slowly with Ruby, but it isn't slow enough. I have to sloooooow right down... and be soft, soft, soft.

Ruby was fascinated, and responded so well.

Lots to play with!! I just can't wait to get out there and ride again tomorow morning!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Taking care of the little things...

Oh, I had such a good play with Ruby today!!!!

I wasn't quite sure what to do, but thought I better shim my saddle etc for my lesson with Kaye Thomas tomorow.

I saddled her straight away when I got her, I didn't play with her first. Ruby is an 'old faithful' now. I can get her out of the paddock, throw the saddle on, and virtually ride off. BUT, I always do my pre-flight checks as I move her around as I saddle her.

Linda Parelli is always saying she starts off really slowly with Remmer, her introverted horse, and I have also watched Anne do this with Rowley, so I had that in mind when I was moving her around, and right from when I went to get her out of her yard. I let her approach me at Ruby speed (about the speed of a stoned turtle) and while saddling I asked her to put her nose on a tree, with me in zone five, then I asked her on to the float, again with me staying in zone 5. I didn't ask her to go any faster than she was offering, and I found her offering more than I asked! With a positive attitude.

As she backed out of the float she felt her rear cinch 'grab' her, and she came flying out backward, and kept going backward, and eventually came to a stop, almost sitting on her haunches!! WOW! It was impressive backing up, but I was pretty glad I don't make assumptions, and assume that just because Ruby has been ridden in that saddle, with the same cinches, for the last five years, that there may be a day when It just doesn't feel right! It re-inforced to me why I back my horses up after I girth them, and before I get on them, EVERY TIME I SADDLE THEM!! I could have got on, rode her off down the track for an hour, and then asked her to back through a gate and have her flip over on me.

I remedied the problem by asking her back in to the float, relax, gently come out, still a bit quick, in again, relax, out, a big sigh... that's what I wanted!

We then went off and had the best ride ever!!! Ruby was really on her toes and we had fun and played with high speed yoyo games! We would canter off, slide in to a backup, and canter, or even gallop, out! Boy that girl has some power when she get's on her hindquarters!!! I can't wait to learn how to harness it properly!! I'm just playing around with how to get her attention. It seemed to do that, and I thought it was great fun!

Since she was offering so much, I kept it short, and then played with something that has been too long over looked. When I get on Ruby, she gives one little tail swish. It used to be a really sour face and a wringing tail, but it had got down to a little swish with her ears back, not pinned, but not happy. So I thought it was finally the day to tackle this! I stood on a chair in the round yard and she obediently came straight over and sidepassed up for me to get on. But instead of getting on I just stood there on the chair and rubbed her, and found an itchy spot in her mane. Eventually I put one foot in the stirrup, and when she flicked her tail, I just kept rubbing the itchy spot and up and down her neck until she relaxed, then I took it out again. I kept playing with this, then standing in the stirrup and getting down, then sitting on her and getting back off, until I was able to get on her and sit quietly and she kept her ears forward the whole time!!!

Isn't it amazing how we keep going forward and don't put the time into addressing the 'little' things!

Ruby and my relationship took huge leaps forward today! I haven't ever seen her with her ears forward so much!

Still plenty to work on with Kaye stay tuned tomorow!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Level 3 liberty audition.

Work today so no horseplay :(

So I am putting up the level 3 liberty audition that we filmed after Ruby and I made a program of liberty! The audition isn't perfect, but that isn't what it is all about. It is definately an improvement, and I can really feel the benefits of being dedicated to doing a designated liberty session each day, even if I don't think they really show up in this video!

For this audition I had the start planned, backing through the tiny gap into the yard, and the end, standing on the mat, but the rest of it I just took what came up.

And I vow I will never try and canter in deep sand again, my lead changes are terrible!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Emily's level 2 Freestyle audition.

The day started out beautiful, but then the weather closed in and I was a complete sook and didn't go out and play with the horses! So since I don't have anything to write about today, I am going to post Emily's level two freestyle audition. Good job Emily, But I really want to know how you trained Skip so well!! And can I PLEASE post the bit where Valla threw a tantrum and refused to go anywhere but up in the air!?!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lara's level 3 online.

Ok, I can't help myself. I have to post Lara's online Level three audition. She is in Sydney, by the time she get's back and realises I have posted it every one will have seen in and it will be too late to kill me!! Lara hasn't sent off a level two audition yet, but I decided that was too easy for her and Bella, so we filmed the level three tasks and will see how she goes...


I have been focused on Ruby and 'neglecting' all the other horses around here, so I decided today it was time to play with some of the others. Fly was handy, so she volunteered herself as project no 1!

Fly is just 3, and has been handled to the point of leading, tieing, trimming, worming. But she hasn't really been 'played' with, and she is definately ready to go on with! She isn't very tall, barely 14hh, and I don't think she is going to get much taller either, but she is really well developed, and would have no trouble carrying a rider now.

She has always been sooo easy to handle, I have assumed I had a lovely little left brain introvert on my hands, but on playing with her today, there is quite a play drive in there! Definately left brain though. I thought we would just put her nose on a few things, do some porcupine, lateral flexion on the ground, just a few things to check her out and see what we have got. She was really confident, putting her nose on things was a breeze! That tyre, sure, put my nose on the jump up? Why, I'll just jump up it! A see saw, cool, let me on it! Kids on motor bikes, no worries! So I soon realized I was going to have to think pretty quick to keep this little girl on her toes!

It is lovely playing with a young horse, seeing how impressionable they are. At some stage Fly has been rewarded by standing with her hip to someone, It may have only been for a second, and probably not even noticed at the time, she may have just been having a scratch, but she remembered. When she felt slightly confused, she swung her hip to me and it stopped right in front of my nose, and she stood there and relaxed! Since there was absolutely no notion of her kicking, I didn't react the first time, I was just wondering what on earth she was doing. The second time it happened however I just yielded her hindquarters away and let her know that it is much more appropriate for her to come to me nose first!!

We just had two short sessions, with some time on the patience post in between, and I am happy with our results for day one! She is such a sweety.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Do a lot, and then do nothing!


Two more liberty sessions since my last blog. I am playing with doing a really intense, provocative, but short liberty session, ending on a really good note, then going off for a ride to 'cool off' and relax.

It seems to be working! Ruby is really alive and attentive! Now I just have to be careful not to squash it...

I have been really struggling with Ruby finding relaxation at a canter, at liberty, ridden, or online, so I have been thinking about how I can help her. I feel she needs to keep at it long enough to find relaxation, but I was finding I was doing a lot of work to try and keep her cantering!

So the plan for today was to take her in to the small round yard, and really work on our circling game. I can send her out at a trot and she will maintain gait, maintain direction, and stay out there all day. But when I ask for a canter, she gets tight, her head goes up, she will take a couple of strides, and drop back to a trot. I had 'do a lot, then do nothing' in my head. It was something Tara and I had talked about regarding Ruby. So I would ask her to canter, then when she broke gait I would make a big fuss, then quickly go to complete neutral as soon as she cantered.

It worked to a degree, I was getting a lot more canter, but she was starting to lose confidence. When this happened I let her drop back to a trot, or her favourite, figure 8's around two buckets, until she was relaxed and in contact again.

Then we would try again. I would reward her by bringing her back to a trot as she offered more and more canter.

So I had mixed success today. I didn't get 20 laps at a canter, or even a lot of relaxation, but I had a horse who was really trying hard, putting effort in, and very responsive! And I am experimenting, and problem solving, and using my knowledge to try and find answers, so that has to be good.

I have also been riding bareback everywhere! Up hill and down dale. And cantering as much as possible. Canter canter canter. We both have to be nice and balanced at a canter, and I guess there's only one way to do it, a lot, and bareback! Jack rode Roxy, Pete ripley, and Ciaran came on Ruby with me, and we rode over the back to shut a gate this afternoon. We were having so much fun that we got almost home again and realised we had completely forgot to shut the gate!! Oh well, a good excuse for another ride tomorow...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Musical coffee!

I'm back!!!

This blog thing is hard! I just don't know where to start. I have been playing with Honey, but haven't got to write what I have done each day, so feel I have to go back to the start, so then it gets too hard, so then I don't write anything.

So today I am just going to write SOMETHING!

I thought I would start with something nice that happened this morning...

In a rare occurence around here, Pete and I were both out playing with our own horses, at the same time. That in itself is a rare thing. I have decided I better do some liberty with Ruby, but Pete and Ripley had beat me to the round yard.

I went inside and made a coffee, collected Ruby, and headed around to wait in line. I decided Ruby had had enough un-demanding time, so I hopped on and started riding the outside rail, practicing our freestyle riding outside the safety of the yard. Pete then got on Ripley bareback and bridless too, so he started riding the inside rail.

I had sat the coffee on a post. We were both quietly doing our own thing, focused on our own horses, then one of us would ride past, pick up the coffee, drink for a few posts, put it down, the other would ride past, pick it up, drink as we rode, deposit it on another post. It was funny. A bit of a dance really. Two quiet, focused, freestyle riders sharing a space, but off in their own worlds! I wish I had it on video.

But aside from the trivialties, I had a productive little play with Ruby. I have decided I need to lift her life in our liberty play. I have been tip toeing around, trying to do things nicely, quietly, calmly. And she has been doing things nicely, quietly and calmly, but apparently not responsively enough. So today I decided I was going to get out of my box and experiment! Being the introverted little butterfly that she is, we started very slowly and gently, then as we progressed, we lifted our life, and played some tag, and got some maintained canter even!!! She missed the hind end on her changes a few times, but at this stage I wasn't worried about that, I was just after energy, when I asked for it! And boy, did all that driving improve her draw! She was asking with two ears to come in, PLEASE! It was cool. Not pretty, but progress.

Pete brought me out some lunch so I went over and sat on the gate, and she straight away sidepassed over for me to get on. I let her stand there while I ate, then for fun I thought I would see if I could send her, from where I was sitting on the gate, to go and try something, even have a roll because she was sweaty. She side passed about 8 metres, then still wondering what I wanted she walked off and found a cone over the other side of the round yard, played with it for a second, then looked over to me to ask if that was what I was thinking about. I wasn't expencting ANYTHING, so, still from sitting on the gate, I said sure, that was great, come back, which she did, and was rewarded with some corn chips! It seems trivial, but I thought that was a nice little problem solving excersise. She could have just left!

I called it a day in the round yard at that, and to further improve her obedience asked her to stand on a piece of rubber outside the shed while I went in and mixed up the feeds. She got off a couple of times, and I went back out and put her back on. She soon got the idea and waited on the rubber until I had finished the feeds and brought hers out. Cool. It was also hard for her too because she couldn't see where I had disapeared to in the shed. She just had to trust that I would come back!

So there. A little update on what I have been up to! I have waffled on for long enough, so I am off now to plan what horsey manouvres I will be up to tomorow!

Nite all...