Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lesson with Kaye Thomas.

Well, what a good day!

Kaye Thomas was in the neighbourhood, so we had her over here giving us some lessons!

Justin and Jack went first. They did an hour on line and learnt about rhythm, relaxation and retreat in the friendly game, close range driving game, keeping their feet still, and when to retreat when playing friendly game in the delicate zone.

Then they both rode in their bareback pads. Jack learnt about actually getting Honey to go before he can ask for her to do anything!! Justin followed the rail, learnt different ways to change direction and get back on the rail using a direct rein, transitions, including how to use a suspension rein to come down a gait.

They did so well, really concentrated and listened. And they loved Kaye!

Then it was Ruby and my turn. I was very nervous!! And Ruby had been so patient, saddled and waiting all morning. Kaye asked me to show her how Ruby responds to a freestyle figure eight, with no warmup. It was around two objects in the playground, set a long way apart, and up and down hill. Ruby did her usual freestyle effort, ducked and dived and ran off and pinned her ears. It was a perfect example of Ruby at her absolute worst!

It set us up for a fantastic lesson in how to help Ruby feel confident in freestyle riding. And the answer? Ride her with contact first!!! Ruby gets lost and worried and annoyed when left to her own devices. She is much more comfortable when her hand is held. I have to get her confident by holding her hand first, and then gradually give her more rein, as she gains more confidence, and get our freestyle going from there.

Kaye was fantastic. The first thing I learnt is that my energy is WAY to high for Ruby!! I thought if I was any more introverted I would be dead! But Kaye said no way, there is a lot going on in there...interesting. That blew me away right from the start!

I thought I was going really slowly with Ruby, but it isn't slow enough. I have to sloooooow right down... and be soft, soft, soft.

Ruby was fascinated, and responded so well.

Lots to play with!! I just can't wait to get out there and ride again tomorow morning!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear Ruby went so well with the lesson! I was interested to hear that Kaye said it was ok to have some connection witht the reins to help her out. I was struggling with Snippet in particular with this...I rode her with a loose rein and when I went on a course they said to not have them at all! She just felt totally lost to me because she was so green. I have gone back to helping her out with some contact and she goes so much better. It also seems to fit in with what Klaus said about reins...some horses just need them. mmmm....more to think about!
