Thursday, April 29, 2010

Quiet amongst the chaos...

I had a lovely afternoon! It was a beautiful sunny autumn day, and there was still some warmth in the air so when I put a stop to procrastinating and went outside to see what I could come up with.

I really wanted to ride Ruby, but I haven't practiced what I worked through with Kaye since she left two weeks ago. My thought for the afternoon was not to appear direct line. I didn't want Ruby to think I was going to get her ride her feed her leave her.

So when I went out, I went and mixed the feeds up first, and just observed what the horses were up to. Ruby was not standing in her usual prime position. She usually stands in the door of the feed shed, and all the others fight and bicker behind her, trying to get the next in line to the feed shed position. Today she was standing off on her own near my car watching the left brainers argue over 'her spot'. This was unusual. And another little reminder to make sure I haven't been getting too direct line...

I went and got a carrot, gave her a taste as I walked back past the car, and went back to mixing the feeds. Ruby was straight back over at her spot! I decided I wanted to use my imagination and not be predictable when saddling her. Ruby is very obedient, and will stand and be saddled at liberty, but I wanted to be aware of their being something in it for her. s
So I would go over, give her a bite of carrot, go back to the feeds, another bite, etc etc. Then on one of my visits back to her, I took the saddle and pad, showed her, got a totally positive response, so I put them on, gave her a nibble, and left her there and went back to the feeds. She kept a completely positive expression while I saddled her!

Then instead of riding straight away we took the dogs and bike and went up to the bus stop to get Jack. We got there early so plenty of time to graze. Came home again. And then we bridled and rode. It was a long preparation, and a very short ride. But it was successful. Ruby was happy and co-operative, and I was more aware of her needs.


  1. I really like you blog and each entry really makes me think. Please keep it up.

  2. Thank you. I'm glad you like it! Feel free to share your thoughts...

  3. mmmm, it's so hard not to be direct line. I think that's what I struggle with most and how difficult is it to stop and say I'm not going to be direct line!!! I have been taking my horses down to the river to graze and swim to break things up a bit for them.
    Good to hear Ruby appreciated it, it's always nice when you get a positive response for trying new things. Have you been out in this nasty weather the last few days?

  4. Hey Anne.

    Yes, not being direct line is something I'm trying REALLY hard to watch. And Ruby, being the delicate little RBI that she is, is really appreciating that!

    I did get out and play a little yesterday. Started helping Honey to relax her ribs. She is so big, and straight, and sometimes feels like I am riding a barge!! I did blog a little on it last night.

    It is another cold, miserable day, but I will be heading out shortly! Maybe after I pick up a barrow or two of poo I will have forgotten about the cold!

    What are you up to?

  5. Sounds like you had fun with Honey. Sideways seemd to be the key to so many things for my horses! Honey looks so innocent in the photo!

    I have been doing lots of good stuff. Have a look on the blog, I am very happy with my herd! :)
