Monday, May 17, 2010

Princess of the pedestal!

It looks like Ruby's title of Queen of the Pedestal is under threat!

Fly is up to day three of the touch it pattern on line, and she is really starting to hunt those pedestals!!  She even calmly offered to put four feet on yesterday!  Pretty cool I thought, for her to offer this so early.

She also started rolling the barrels with her knees, apparently just putting your nose on things is boring.  So I can't wait to blow a ball up for her and see what she can to do with that!

I am having so much fun with Fly that I actually dragged myself out of bed and went out to play with her at 6.30 this morning, in the freezing cold, before work!  Consistency is a challenge for me.  I have the best plans to follow a program, especially with these young horses, and I start out all motivated, then things get in the way.  But I am trying to arrange my life so I can offer my horses consistency.

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